The lemon tree is known for its variety. You can eat the fruit in different ways: the pulp, squeezed, asdrinks, sorbets, pastries, etc.. Lemon is considered an anti-microbial spectrum against bacterial infections andmushrooms, effective against internal parasites and worms, regulates excessively high blood pressure, is an antidepressant, fights stress and nervous disorders.
It seems to have originated in India but there is no certainty of this fact as the wordlimun, in Arabic, indicates all citrus fruits indifferently. It could be that in ancient times the lemon and its properties were already known by the Arab people and called, together with all the other citrus fruits, with the namelimun. An almost unique characteristic of the lemon is that it has the property of flowering continuously, so you have the possibility of seeing flowers, unripe and ripe fruit at the same time in a lemon plant.
Thanks to this fact, lemon production is present all year round, with a slowdown during the colder months. Unlike other citrus fruits, the lemon can reach maturity even once removed from the plant and very often the lemons are picked while still green, treated with a fungicidal process, waxed and shipped to foreign markets, where they will then be treated to make them ripen. For this reason it is always better not to consume their peel, unless you are certain that they come from organic cultures.
Propertylemon therapeutics
The main properties of lemon in the now mass culture would lie in its high vitamin C content; 100g of fresh fruit (just picked) contains 50g of vitamin C. This vitamin, which is so important for our health, degrades very quickly and storing it in the refrigerator certainly cannot keep it 100% intact. In addition to vitamin C, lemon contains: sucrose, glucose and fructose (immediately assimilable sugars), mineral salts, calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper and other important vitamins of groups B and A.
Lemon presents itself as an excellent antiseptic and bactericide, but not only that: it is also a valid help for those with few immune defenses as it is able to increase the production of white blood cells. It is also refreshing, detoxifying, and calming. It is excellent against rheumatic pain and acts well as a shield against high blood pressure.
It is also particularly suitable for those who suffer from anemia and is a good gastro-hepatic-pancreatic stimulator. Even with regards to the treatment of diabetes, this fruit has proven to be an excellent deterrent. Some recent American studies have highlighted that lemon, if taken regularly and in the right doses, could also have a preventive action against intestinal, stomach and pancreatic cancer.
Lemon has purifying and detoxifying properties for the body and its regular intake, preferably in the morning when you are still fasting, helps to regulate the intestine and even fights cellulite. It is interesting to note the use made of a substance contained in lemon, called limonene, which is successfully used for the destruction of stones in the gallbladder and has recently become famous, since, according to recent American studies, if taken regularly, it would have properties anti-tumor drugs at a preventative level, especially regarding the pancreas, stomach and intestines.
Lemon is highly recommended against nausea, diarrhea and especially for those who need to strengthen their immune defenses; its fresh juice has the property of preventing atherosclerosis, has benefits on the liver, pancreas and blood, promoting its fluidity. Lemon, when it is really fresh, just picked, as well as being remineralising and anti-anemic, is a good activator of organic defenses and an excellent disinfectant.
Finally, this fruit is also an effective natural thermicide: it is in fact sufficient to hang a few canvas bags containing dried lemon peels in the wardrobes to keep moths away.
Particolarmente utilizzato in aromaterapia (forma di medicamento alternativa che si basa sull’utilizzo di oli vegetali essenziali per curare dolore, stress, depressione e regolarizzare le diverse funzioni corporee) il limone veniva utilizzato per questo scopo già dagli antichi Egizi, che si avvalevano del suo succo per curare anche le dermatiti. Gli esperti di aromaterapia spiegano che le essenze (in questo caso quelle del limone) agiscono direttamente sul sistema nervoso ed endocrino migliorando anche gli stati d’animo poiché le molecole aromatizzate, raggiungendo le la corteccia cerebrale, inducono una piacevole sensazione di equilibrio e benessere, che va a compensare eventuali situazioni di ansia e stress.